Please use this section to contact me. It will help to spur me onto reaching my goal of reaching that £50,000 target. It will also help me in knowing that there are people watching my progress and willing me on to succeed. Whenever I reach somewhere that has internet connection I will try to read all the messages and reply to as many as I can. Please forgive me if I don't as I may be too shattered to even turn on a computer let alone find an internet cafe.


Time & Date: 12:17  07-12-2009
Name: robert kerr ( Location: merton , Country: uk ) Email: robert <at> rkag <dot> demon <dot> co <dot> uk

Two cannibals eating a clown. One says to the other
'Does this taste funny to you?'

whilst we on the subject
Seen any Dingoes yet ?

party time west end lane its open house !!!!

Time & Date: 01:00  07-12-2009
Name: Kevin & Carey Sellwood ( Location: Sunshine Coast Qld , Country: Australia ) Email: careykevin67 <at> hotmail <dot> com

Hello Johnny
Well we are sitting here at work - its v. hot and sweaty and we are doing nothing - well nothing energetic anyway - can only imagine what it must be like out there in that hot sun or even at night. Hope you are being good with sunscreen!!!!! Really take our hats off to you. All the best

Time & Date: 20:56  06-12-2009
Name: Louise Robins ( Location: Oxford , Country: UK )

How far in how many days? You really are on course for that finish line on 19th December. If you carry on at such pace Rudolf might be out of a job as the man in the red suite might think you're a faster option!!!
Kate and the girls will have to leave the shops early if they are to catch up with you too!

Time & Date: 19:07  06-12-2009
Name: Martin Drew ( Location: Nuneham Courtenay , Country: England ) Email: drew242 <at> btinternet <dot> com

Hi John , i am vey pleased to see that you are getting on so well and appear to be making good time. Your factual and amusing blog makes for interesting reading on a dark Dec evening. Keep up the good work. Kind Regards Martin and Karen

Time & Date: 17:47  06-12-2009
Name: kerr ( Location: merton , Country: uk ) Email: robertkerr <at> rkag <dot> demon <dot> co <dot> uk

Australians NEVER die...

they just stay down under!

Keep it going - just having a whisky by the open fire with the Christmas lights twinkling -think of it as an incentive to get to the finish !!

Time & Date: 16:20  06-12-2009
Name: Tim & Alina ( Location: Merton , Country: UK ) Email: timgransbury <at> hotmail <dot> com

Hello there from the lovely West End Farm!
As you of course know John we saw the girls off Friday night from here which went well. We had a nice dinner at Bicester Village with them the night before and had a great week in the Grannery (thanks!) which worked well for us all. Saved us money on accommodation and we were able to help out around the place as best we could whilst they all prepared to leave.
We have settled in well to your beautiful home thank-you and all the animals are well but miss you.
Hope this finds you well in SA- you have done a superb job thus far so keep up the good work. I have very good family friends in Mildura who would love to have you stay so please let me know if you want their details.

Take care & good luck!
Love Tim, Alina and all the West End Farm animals

Time & Date: 08:03  06-12-2009
Name: Libby

YEA HAA! you've done the horror stretch and safely at Pimba!! YOU DID IT!! now you really know the meaning of DESOLUTE! none of the other country is desolute until you have gone thru the country from Cooper Pedy to Pimba. Guess what Tony and his bevy of 8*18 yo girls are due in Pimba tonight for dinner..not sure that you will have internet there. so CONGRATULATIONS and GOOD LUCK from the last third - easy peasy after what you have done!! ED - he deserves a few beers. hugs from LIBBY & greetings from Julian too.

Time & Date: 03:50  06-12-2009
Name: Libby Email: lprell <at> ntlink <dot> com <dot> au

Go John, on fire! according to schedule we did in Asp u are 800km ahead of plan! must be combo of downhill, team mgr, excellent weather and your gutsy determination. GO YOU!. Tony & girls on road heading up and looking out for u! watch out for the roadtrains = 50m long. LIbby.

Time & Date: 21:57  05-12-2009
Name: B, Tim and Ange ( Location: Prestwood , Country: GB ) Email: timbelinda <at> tiscali <dot> co <dot> uk

Dear Johnnie

You are doing so well - what an amazing achievment and so many stories you will have to tell over a bowl of soup on a Saturday.

We are proud of you and think you have been amazing to clock up the miles as you have. It must have been so tough. Keep going your going to see your lovely girls soon. All our love xxx

Time & Date: 14:19  05-12-2009
Name: Ems ( Location: Traders , Country: Singapore )

Hey daddy,
We are on our way!
Not long now, keep going you are doing a wonderful job. Cannot wait to see you at the end and to celebrate both your birthday and your amazing achievement.
Not the same without you though.
Love you so much
From all of your girls

Time & Date: 13:41  05-12-2009
Name: Phil, Sky Tiga and Tor ( Location: Stanton , Country: UK ) Email: philhorm <at> aol <dot> co <dot> uk


Fantastic progress! Be liberal with the Sudocreme. Tiga sends you a big hug.

All our love

Time & Date: 11:57  05-12-2009
Name: Philip, Emma and the boys ( Country: UK )

Well done. How's Glendambo and how are the flies, and for that matter Edward!? Great effort, and the fundraising on the UK charities is just short of £23,000 and Parkinson's Victoria just short of AUS$1,000, so you're doing brilliantly. Lots of love from all of us to both of you.

Time & Date: 09:13  05-12-2009
Name: jon ( Country: IRL )

Still going strong Johnny - the photos are great.....nearly back in civilization...keep going..we're all still tracking you amidst all the floods we are in!!!

Time & Date: 08:50  05-12-2009
Name: Martha ( Location: Hilder St , Country: Oz )

Hello J and E,

Hope you're both well and morale is high!! So good to keep up with all your news.
Hope we can see you soon Johnnie??
Keep going strong.
Lotsa love. OX :)

Time & Date: 22:26  04-12-2009
Name: Raj ( Location: Merton , Country: UK )

Go Johnny Go!

What an entertaining (and inspiring) journey.....

It's got to the stage where you're actually cycling further than my daily commute (only a measly 80 miles a day)......keep up the good work......and keep logging those miles...

See you when you get back


Time & Date: 21:40  04-12-2009
Name: Ricardo ( Location: Hilltop , Country: UK )

Hey longlegs, yer saddle's grown a bit. What's the story??

Time & Date: 20:07  04-12-2009
Name: ruth small ( Country: N Ireland )

Really enjoying my daily fix of "John's Blog". It has just become part of my daily routine - logging in to the web-page to see how well you're progressing!! The very thought of spending hours upon hours on a bicycle makes me exhausted! Keep it up! You're a star.

Time & Date: 18:18  04-12-2009
Name: Plunkets ( Location: Elsfield , Country: UK ) Email: james <dot> p <at> transitiongroup <dot> co <dot> uk

I wondered what the elderly Greek lady's husband had dug up that morning in Coober Pedy - images of Tubbs from League of Gentlemen ("This is a local shop for local people, there’s nothing for you here"). Could he have found the road-train cow pie or was he the local Sweeney Todd? Yes, the imagination runs wild.
However, if she was going to show you his shiny pebbles you could have had a competition. Having ridden for so many miles in so many hours on such a comfortable saddle, I bet you had a few shiny pebbles of your own to show her.
Keep up the good spirit.
Ride strong.
J, C, G and G

Time & Date: 14:47  04-12-2009
Name: Rev David Tams ( Location: Acocks Green , Country: United Kingdom ) Email: holysoulschurch <at> btconnect <dot> com

Hi John,

Just heard about your charity ride today. What a way to celebrate turning 50!!
Hope all is going well and that the weather is being kind to you. Hope you are saying plenty of Rosary's on the road.Its a great way of praying!!!

God Bless,

Fr David

Time & Date: 13:44  04-12-2009
Name: Debbie, Nick, James, Sophie & Rosie ( Location: Radclive , Country: UK ) Email: Francis3 <at> sky <dot> com

Can't believe how quickly you are going!! You will have to slow down or you will miss the girls!! Make sure you are enjoying it, be safe.xx

Time & Date: 12:42  04-12-2009
Name: Kate ( Location: Your office! , Country: UK ) Email: katevf <at> hotmail <dot> com

Hi Honey!
We are leaving for the airport in just over 4hrs! I have your credit card at the ready for Singapore, for us girls to do a spot of shopping!!! Can't believe i am going to see you this time next week! I have missed you more than you could ever imagine!
I am one very proud wife!
Kate x
p.s. Kitty got child of the week!!

Time & Date: 10:47  04-12-2009
Name: Gregory ( Country: France ) Email: gregory <dot> lafitte <at> gmail <dot> com

Hello John,

It was a great pleasure to meet you yesterday on the road to go to Coober Pedy. I hope I can see you for your 50th birthday in Melbourne...unless I will be crashed by a road train.
Today was quite difficult as there was a lot of wind. Be careful my friend...
See u in Melbourne...
I will put now the pictures of us on the road on my website...
Take care


Time & Date: 07:37  04-12-2009
Name: Ben

Some obvious contributions from Ed in your last posting, Johnny. Andy would be proud.

Good luck to Glenambo

Time & Date: 07:15  04-12-2009
Name: Wes ( Location: Belfast , Country: Northern Ireland ) Email: wdjsdavidson <at> yahoo <dot> co <dot> uk

My Dear Friend John, sorry to have missed you before you left, but been following you all the way. Very inspirational!. Keep your head down and your a+s* up!!! (Its all downhill from here ......sorry!)
God Bless and we’ll talk soon and enjoy this Xmas – sitting on a nice soft opulent sofa with a nice glass of single malt contemplating what you will have just accomplished! Wes.

Time & Date: 21:53  03-12-2009
Name: Maria Gibbons ( Location: Oxford , Country: England ) Email: margaret <dot> gibbons <at> ntlworld <dot> com

Have become addicted to watching the little man on the bike!! You really are on a roll. Make sure you put the brakes on when you reach Melbourne!!!